//Program To Search the given string in all Object //List to hold the returned results of sObject generic type List<list<SObject>> invoiceSearchList = new List<List<SObject>>(); //SOSL query which will search for 'ABC' string in Customer Name field of Invoice Object invoiceSearchList = [FIND 'ABC*' IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING APEX_Invoice__c (Id,APEX_Customer__r.Name)]; //Returned result will be printed System.debug('Search Result '+invoiceSearchList); //Now suppose, you would like to search string 'ABC' in two objects, that is Invoice and Account. Then for this query goes like this: //Program To Search the given string in Invoice and Account object, you could specify more objects if you want, create an Account with Name as ABC. //List to hold the returned results of sObject generic type List<List<SObject>> invoiceAndSearchList = new List<List<SObject>>(); //SOSL query which will search for 'ABC' string in Invoice and in Account object's fields invoiceAndSearchList = [FIND 'ABC*' IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING APEX_Invoice__c (Id,APEX_Customer__r.Name), Account]; //Returned result will be printed System.debug('Search Result '+invoiceAndSearchList); //This list will hold the returned results for Invoice Object APEX_Invoice__c [] searchedInvoice = ((List<APEX_Invoice__c>)invoiceAndSearchList[0]); //This list will hold the returned results for Account Object Account [] searchedAccount = ((List<Account>)invoiceAndSearchList[1]); System.debug('Value of searchedInvoice'+searchedInvoice+'Value of searchedAccount'+searchedAccount);