首頁(yè)htmlfont_variantCSS Property Value - 如何font-variant: small-caps;

CSS Property Value - 如何font-variant: small-caps;

我們想知道如何font-variant: small-caps;

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Example of CSS :first-line Pseudo-element</title>
<style type="text/css">
p:first-line {
  color: #ff0000;
  font-variant: small-caps;
  <p>The first line of this paragraph is styled differently form the
    rest of line. The first line of this paragraph is styled differently
    form the rest of line. The first line of this paragraph is styled
    differently form the rest of line. The first line of this paragraph is
    styled differently form the rest of line. The first line of this
    paragraph is styled differently form the rest of line.</p>